
Mixxx is a free, open source mixing and broadcasting platform that is available for Mac, Windows, and Linux. Mixxx core to our de-centralized broadcasts.

Setting up Mixxx

  1. Download Mixxx from mixxx.org/download (note that part of this archive is the user manual which is super helpful for setup).

  2. Launch the Mixxx app. Your iTunes music library should be automatically imported into the app.

  3. You will need to wear headphones or earbuds to DJ.

  4. In the “Sound Hardware” section of Mixxx's preferences set the “Output” for “Headphones” to “Built-in Output” (which will be your headphones) and the “Input” for “Microphone 1“ to “Built-in Microphone” or the external mic you are using. (NOTE: if you are using a Windows computer, change the "Audio Buffer" to "46.4 ms")

  5. On the same preference page set the "Microphone Monitor Mode” to “Direct”.

  6. Save the preferences.

  7. To load a track to a deck, either double click it or drag it. To play, hit the Play/Pause button on the deck. You’ll see the mixer between decks. Be sure to adjust your gain for each deck in the mixer. (note the headphone icons in the mixer and in the microphone section must be turned on and red for you to hear what’s playing).

  8. If you do not see a mic section, click the ‘Mic/Aux” button at the bottom of the screen. Unless you have earbuds or an audio interface with mic attached, you’ll be using your computer’s mic as Mic 1. You can either click and hold the “talk” button or click the “talk” button to start and click it again to end.

Configuring Mixxx to broadcast

  1. In Mixxx preferences, select the "Live Broadcasting" tab.

  2. Select the "Create new connection" button.

  3. Select the new connection you just created and press the "Rename selected" button.

  4. Enter Radio.co

  5. Select the connection you did not create in the top table.

  6. Press the "Delete selected" button to remove the old connection.

  7. Enter the following information (it is case sensitive) into the Server Connection part of the form:

    Type: Shoutcast 1


    Login: Mount: Port: Password:

  8. Enter the following information Encoding into the Server Connection part of the form:

    Bitrate: 128kbps

    Format: MP3

    Channels: Stereo

  9. Check "Public stream" in the Stream info part of the form.

  10. Enter the following information into the Metadata part of the form:

    Format: $artist - $title

    Use UTF-8 encoding for metadata: check

  11. Save the preferences.

  12. Save the preferences and restart Mixxx.

Exporting Playlist After Show

  1. Expand ‘History’ in Mixxx in the lower left of library browser.

  2. Scroll through list to the date of your broadcast.

  3. CTRL + click -o-r right click on the date.

  4. Select ‘Export’, and choose ‘.txt’ as format.

  5. Save file.

  6. Post to the #playlists channel in Discord very soon after you complete a show.

Last updated